Monday, 21 April 2014

Animal Donut Charms

These animal donuts have been a huge sensation on the Internet. I first came across them at Ueno station in Japan but I've seen them around many small bakeries across Tokyo. So here's my first attempt at making animal donuts using paper clay and trying out a new icing technique using PVA glue. They turned out quite okay looking for a first try, but obviously practise makes perfect.

To make the icing I combined PVA glue with some water colour paints to make the glue opaque when it dried. I simply dipped the paper clay into the glue and that was it (wanring: extremely messy process!)! When the glue dried it formed a thin layer on top of the paper clay giving it the appearance of icing. It wasn't perfect I admit, and I would have preferred it if the glue was a lot thicker in appearance when it dried. I really want to try buying a hot glue gun and seeing if it gives a better effect. If I do, you'll definitely see a post about it.

Here we have 6 animal donuts: panda, chicken, pig, cow, rabbit and a cat. I feel like the panda donut doesn't quite fit in because it has a different style of eyes compared to the other animals..But I'm sure next time I'll try to make them more similar to each other.

(Here's a cow!)

(And a panda)

(And a cat ^_^)


 (The pig looked a little bit plain so I added some fake whipped cream)

(Same with the bunny rabbit!)

(The under side was coloured with brown paint to make it look more like a donut. However some of the glue icing got stuck to the bottom so it looks quite messy ><)

So there you have it! Sorry if the pictures are a little bit crap, I've never had awesome photography skills ^_^"

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